Monday, July 2, 2012


PRIDE signs ASAAP participants created

Water and enthusiasm shooting out from the windows

We march for PRIDE

For the first time, I willed myself to venture out into the heat and dust of a July 1st Sunday to march alongside my ASAAP colleagues at the Pride Parade.  I wasn't sure what to expect since I have never been to the actual parade in all the 4 years I've lived in Toronto.  I wasn't disappointed!  How exhilirating it was to see thousands of people roaring their support and encouragement from behind the fences.  We roared back our support and encouragement too, and handed out hundreds of condom packs to the enthusiastic crowd. 

The day was hot, but the clouds gave us some relief from the sun and there was a gentle breeze stirring and weaving its way through the parade.  We weren't the only AIDS service organization there today.  Members of the Black Coalition for AIDS Prevention, Asian Community AIDS Services, AIDS Committee of Toronto, Committee for Accessible AIDS Treatment, Casey House, and Toronto People With AIDS (these peeps had their own truck and were having a great time cooling the crowd and parade participants with toy water guns!).  Everyone seemed happy to be there dropping by each of our neighbours' sections to say "hello" before the parade started! 

Although ASAAP didn't have as big a group as the others, our joy and enthusiasm could be felt as we walked and interacted with the crowd all along Bloor, Yonge, and finally Gerrard.  Our Grand Marshal kept the energy up and the onlookers entertained as he boogeyed in front of our banner to the music booming from the festive trucks ahead.  Cameras were clicking away and I felt like royalty as the positive cheers, waves and smiles from the crowd kept us moving in wonder and child-like surprise through the stream of vivid colours, upbeat tunes, and liberating messages.  It was a privilege and an honour to be part of something that carried with it such a strong message of unconditional acceptance.  That was the energy I felt from the crowd and from the parade folks.  We were parading our dreams of love, freedom, compassion, and courage before the world, at least the world in Toronto! 

The strongest message of the day was "be true to yourself".  No matter how ugly it gets when people shun or reject us, at the end of the day, if we can accept ourselves for who we are, than we've overcome our most daunting challenge.  None of us is perfect - what a cliche, but such an important one to truly comprehend! How connected we all are in our imperfections, in our trials, and in our victories! 

By the end of the parade, I was more motivated and inspired than ever to work for the good of our communities by helping to spread ASAAP's message of LOVE, expressed in so many beautiful ways through education, outreach, art, and support.  For volunteer and other opportunities, please visit our website:  Join us for next year's PRIDE! 


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