Saturday, November 20, 2010

Summer Fitness


Written by Shazia Islam

Toronto is welcoming the first glorious waves of summer - let‘s just hope it’s not another unbearable heat wave! Technically, it’s spring, but in this city, spring is a bit indecisive and frequently allows winter’s frosty breath to invade its space with intermittent spells of cool temperatures, even snow, just to mess with our minds. Whatever we choose to call our seasons in T.O., it’s definitely time to throw out the thermal underwear. The flowers are well on their way to blooming, people are out mowing their lawns, and the city is buzzing with outdoor events and activities to suit all manner of taste and lifestyle. This is the best time to dust off that New Year’s list of resolutions you conveniently forgot about from January till now, and perhaps give your number one resolution - the one circled in red - a go. Just what is that resolution that always seems to get the prized position on top of the lists of millions of other dreamers like you? It certainly doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. You know it and I know it: it’s time to GET FIT!

There are a myriad of ways to get fit like joining boot camps, fitness clubs and hot yoga classes, hiking, cycling, running, roller-blading, swimming, and playing sports. The key is to do something you enjoy and do it outdoors. We spend a lot of our time cooped up indoors because our livelihoods depend on it; you can’t exactly ask your boss if you could work out the details of a million-dollar account in the park! Reality for many people is not having enough motivation nor time to exercise. Some people spend loads of money on home treadmills and exercise bikes, but the equipment ends up becoming just another decorative piece you’d rather cover with your potted plants. Indeed, finding time out of our busy schedules to get rid of the hot dog and McD calories we rang up at our short lunch breaks is definitely a challenge in a fast-paced metropolis like Toronto. However, there is hope. All we have to do is put one foot in front of another and walk. Walk.

If you’re pretty close to the city and close to where you work, you might want to consider walking. It’s a great way to keep you in shape, especially since the weather is getting so much more agreeable. Walking has many other benefits as well. Unlike running, walking does not cause any strain on your joints and internal organs. It’s important to do some stretching before and after the walk if it’s a particularly long walk like going from the Danforth, over the bridge, and into the city centre. Walking allows you to go at your own pace; you can go as slow or as fast as you like. Personally, I think keeping a slower pace gives you a chance to really see the city and its many faces and places. Accidents tend to be minimal when we move slowly in general. Of course there are always exceptions, so it’s good to stay cautious and look both ways before crossing an intersection. With walking, you can also take detours through the lovely neighbourhoods of Toronto, and witness summer coming alive on the front lawns of people’s homes. You can also stop to have a coffee or a smoothie, read the paper, and then once again, be on your way if you’ve given yourself plenty of time to get to your destination...

Now you’re probably thinking that walking at a turtle’s pace ain’t gonna help you get fit any time soon. Actually, getting fit gradually is much better in the long term. If we rush into our exercise routine with the idea that we’re going to lose tons of weight in a few short days, chances are the weight will come back sooner than we think. We spend most of our day in rush mode, and our bodies deserve a break from all the running around. Some of the advantages of walking include a lower incidence of heart disease, a longer life, improved mental and spiritual faculties, regulation of blood sugar levels, and an increase in coordination and balance. Health experts always encourage people to walk at least half an hour to 45 minutes a day to improve cardio-vascular health. Furthermore, when we go for a daily stroll, the movement releases endorphins, the ‘happy’ hormones, into our blood stream, which is a great way to combat anxiety and depression. Our stress levels have a tendency to escalate when we’re stuck in a car during rush hour and breathe in toxic fumes from car exhaust. It is no wonder drivers get frustrated, making rear-enders and accidents more likely. Walking takes care of our stress and the environment!

Most importantly, walking is easy and free. You don’t have to make room in your schedule to do it, and you don’t need any special equipment. Some water and a comfortable pair of shoes will suffice. You get to take the time to say ‘hi’ to the people you pass by, pet their dogs, admire Toronto’s architectural wonders, and enjoy the open air and green spaces. By the time you arrive at work, you’ll be mentally prepared for the day. If you make a commitment to walking to and from work at least twice a week or even three times a week during the summer months, you’re going to be feeling a whole lot more fit and fabulous. The New Year’s resolution you made will then become effortless and you will be proud of yourself for following through and achieving the most hardest-to-reach goal.

If you would like to walk for a cause, there are plenty happening in the next couple of months including the 6th Annual K9 Rescue Walk-a-thon on June 14th from 10am to 12 noon. The event raises awareness of pets in need and helps abandoned, abused, neglected, and homeless dogs in Ontario. For more information, visit the site at . The World Partnership Walk takes place on May 31st. It is an international event organized to raise funds for international development programs. It is a 5K walk and it begins at 10:30am. For more information on how to participate, visit . One other walk/run event is the Walk/Run and Family Fun Day for Colon Cancer also held on May 31st. Details can be found on .

Not only can you check off your number one resolution, but you can also check off a couple others including the ones about going more green and making the world a better place by helping others. Walking can make a huge impact on our life and our communities. If you want to do something that’ll make you feel good in every way this summer, then walking is just the right activity for you!

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